Work in Progress: Phoenix Rising Book 1: Band on the Run (current working title)

The anthology ROME: Centuries of Stories of the Eternal City, is now available from Red Penguin Books: Amazon as an ebook or paperback, Barnes & Noble as an ebook or paperback, and other outlets, in both ebook and paperback format. Includes the story "An American Schoolboy in the Eternal City" by yours truly!

Available free through email list signup: Benji's Bayou Birthday Bash, a Phoenix Rising prequel - to get your free copy, visit

Available free - no signup required: Christmas Bonfires, a Phoenix Rising holiday short story:
The special illustrated edition can be requested, free of charge, by emailing me at

Previous works (published but lost to history!)
The Private History of a Theme that Passed - short story, written in the 1980s
The Interview Games (Or, This Way to the Unemployment Line) - short story, written in the late 1980s
An Unusual Day - short story, written 1987, published by the Atlanta-area literary group The Unknowns (I believe)
...and hundreds of poems.
co-authored Y Cyclch am Y Cleddyf, part one - The Sorcerer of a projected 3-part musical retelling of the Arthurian legend with the sword Excalibur as the central "character" of the trilogy (the Welsh title translates as "The Circle of the Sword"); part 1, The Sorcerer, was registered with the Library of Congress.